Newburyport Yacht Club 300R Merrimac St-Office 1 Woodland St. -parking Newburyport, MA 01950  (978) 463-9911 VHF Ch 71

Photo Submission

Newburyport Yacht Club welcomes contributions to our photo collection, and we will do our best to share them with members, and the general public. If you would like to submit a photo, or many photos, please use the form below.

1 Step 1
First Name:
Last Name:
Slip #:
Cell Phone:
Upload Picturesupload one or more photos by clicking on the button below
Click to Upload your Photo(s)

By signing below, you agree to the following: 

The attached photo(s) may be used by Newburyport Yacht Club at the Club's discretion. This could be on, but is not limited to, the website, marketing material, and emails. You also agree that you have the right to submit the photo(s), and all of the people in the photo(s) have given their consent, if consent is legally required. Newburyport Yacht Club screens all photos that are submitted, and will make the final determination if a photo is to be used or not used, and where the photo is to be used or not used. 

Electronic Signature:Enter your full name
Date:Today's Date

*Required Fields.       


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